伍偉文博士 Dr. NG Wai Man

伍偉文博士──是首位在(2004)英國深造回港的註冊音樂治療師(Registered Music Therapist: BAMT & HCPC, UK)(註 一),亦是華人地區首位(2009)註冊音樂心靈導航治療師(Registered GIM Therapist: FAMI, US)(註二),同時是唯一一位擁有哲學博士學位之本地音樂治療師。

伍氏早年畢業於香港演藝學院,主修中國音樂,先後獲音樂(一級榮譽)學士學位、心理學(榮譽)學士學位、音樂治療學研究文憑、音樂心靈導航研究文憑(優 異)、音樂心理學文學碩士學位、音樂治療文學碩士學位(優良)及哲學博士學位。伍氏曾為香港音樂治療協會主席,現於香港演藝學院、香港大學專業進修學院、 香港中文大學音樂系及多間大學之兼任講師、兼任助理教授及督導導師,任教及督導多個音樂治療課程;近年伍博士經常在世界各地向海外專家分享音樂治療之研究 心得,足跡遍及十多個國家及地區。

於未來的日子,伍博士除了在香港繼續提供音樂治療服務外,還準備一系列的實用培訓工作坊,希望可以幫助社會人士、家長、老師、社工及其他專業人士認識音樂 治療及音樂心靈導航、了解自我、清晰人生目標、提升生活質素及改善人際關係,讓音樂治療及音樂心靈導航在華人地區得以普及,使更多人因音樂而身心健康。

註一:成為註冊音樂治 療師(Registered Music Therapist)一般需接受二至四年全日制大學課程的訓練,在完成課程後需在國家認可的專業學會註冊,並需定期參加專業進修及學術會議,確保專業資 格。BAMT, UK: British Association for Music Therapy, HCPC, UK: Health and Care Professions Council)

註 二:成為註冊音樂心靈導航治療師(Registered Guided Imagery and Music Therapist / Registered GIM Therapist)一般需接受三至五年兼讀大學課程或由美國 Association for Music and Imagery(AMI, US)認可的訓練課程,在完成課程後需在美國AMI註冊,並需定期參加專業進修及學術會議,確保專業資格。

My Supervisor Prof Denise Grocke
Dr Ng with his Supervisor Denise Grocke

Prof Jane Davidson
Dr Ng with Prof Jane Davidson

Dr. Ng Wai Man
Ng Wai Man

Music Therapist and Trainer:
Dr. NG Wai Man


Dr. NG Wai Man is the first Hong Kong music therapist who graduated from the UK (2004). He is also the first GIM Therapist in the Chinese regions (2009). Dr. Ng obtained both the qualifications of Registered Music Therapist (BAMT & HCPC, UK) (Remark 1) and Registered GIM Therapist (AMI, US) (Remark 2). He is now the only local music therapist with PhD qualification.

Mr. Ng graduated from the HK Academy for Performing Arts, majoring in Chinese Music. Afterwards, he obtained Bachelor Degree of Music (First Honours), Bachelor Degree of Psychology (Honours), Postgraduate Diploma in Music Therapy, Graduate Diploma in Guided Imagery and Music (Distinction), Master Degree in Psychology of Music, Master Degree in Music Therapy (Merit) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).

Dr. Ng was the President of Hong Kong Music Therapy Association. He is currently the Adjunct Assistant Professor, Part-time Lecturer, Clinical Supervisor for the HKAPA (School of Music & EXCEL), HKU SPACE, CUHK (Department of Music) and some overseas universities to provide lectures and supervision in programs of Music Therapy. Recently, Dr. Ng always presents his music therapy researches and experiences in worldwide conferences.

In addition to providing Music Therapy Service in Hong Kong, Dr. Ng’ s vision is to popularize Music Therapy and GIM in Chinese society so as to improve the health of public through music.  He gives a series of practical training workshops for the public, parents, teachers, social workers and other professionals in order to introduce Music Therapy & GIM, help them achieve self-understanding and life-goal, enhance life quality and improve interpersonal relationship. 

Remark 1: To become a Registered Music Therapist: it is required to complete one of the approved music therapy programs (usually 2 - 4 year - full-time training) in college and register under accredited association for professional music therapists.  Registered Music Therapists are required to participate in further professional training courses and conference so as to maintain professionalism. (BAMT & HCPC, UK)

Remark 2: To become a Registered Guided Imagery and Music Therapist / Registered GIM Therapist: it is required to complete one of the approved GIM programs (usually 3 - 5 year -  part-time training) or trainings by Association for Music and ImageryAMI, USand register under AMI, US.  Registered GIM Therapists are required to participate in further professional training courses and conference so as to maintain professionalism. 

專業資格 Professional Qualifications
英國BAMT註冊音樂治療師 Registered Music Therapist (BAMT, UK)
英國HCPC註冊音樂治療師 Registered Music Therapist (HCPC, UK)
美國AMI註冊音樂心靈導航治療師 Registered GIM Therapist (FAMI, US)

學歷 Academic Qualifications
澳洲墨爾本大學哲學博士 Doctor of Philosophy (Melbourne, AU)
英國安格利亞羅斯金大學音樂治療文學碩士(優良) MA in Music Therapy (Merit)(Anglia Ruskin, UK)
英國雪菲爾大學音樂心理學文學碩士 MA in Psychology of Music (Sheffield, UK)
英國羅漢普敦大學音樂治療研究文憑 PG Dip in Music Therapy (Roehampton, UK)
澳洲墨爾本大學音樂心靈導航研究文憑(優異) Grad Dip in GIM (Distinction) (Melbourne, AU)
英國卓函學院心理學及專業研究(榮譽)理學士 BSc (Hons) in Psychology and Professional Studies (C&GCHE, UK)
英國京士頓大學音樂(一級榮譽)學士 BMus (1st Class Hons) (Kingston, UK)
香港演藝學院演藝深造文憑(音樂)(優異) Advanced Diploma in Performing Arts (Music) (Distinction) (HKAPA, HK)
香港演藝學院演藝專業文憑(音樂) Professional Diploma in Performing Arts (Music) (HKAPA, HK)
澳洲意像與音樂協會證書 Certificate in Guided Imagery and Music (MIAA, AU

獎 項 Awards
1999:傑出終身學習者(香港明愛)Lifelong Learner Awards(Caritas Hong Kong)
1999:表揚狀(香港教育署)Recommendation Certificate(HK Education Department)
2000:表揚狀(香港教育署)Recommendation Certificate(HK Education Department)

大學教學經驗 Teaching Experience (in Universities)
Adjunct Assistant Professor (Department of Music, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, HK)

Part-time Lecturer (Department of Music, Hong Kong Baptist University , HK)

Adjunct Lecturer (School of Professional and Continuing Education, The University of Hong Kong, HK)

Music Therapy Clinical Supervisor (School of Professional and Continuing Education, The University of Hong Kong, HK)

Part-time Lecturer (School of Music, The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, HK)

Part-time Lecturer (Extension and Continuing Education for Life, The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, HK)

Honorary Lecturer (Department of Music, Kingston University, UK)

Music Therapy Clinical Supervisor (The University of Queensland, AU)

Music Therapy Clinical Supervisor (University of Technology, Sydney, AU)

Guest Speaker (Bachelor of Education, Honours, Special Needs Programme, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, HK)

Guest Lecturer (Department of Music Therapy, Central Conservatory of Music, Beijing, China, CN)

Guest Lecturer (Division of Music Therapy, Tainan National University of the Arts, Taiwan, TW)

專 題演講 Presentations on Special Topic 

2018:音樂心靈導航會議(南韓.音樂及意像協會):主題「中國陰陽理論及五套中國音樂心靈導航音樂程式的研究」。2018 Annual Conference (Korean Association for Music and Imagery, South Korean): Presentation Topic ‘A Research Project of Chinese Yin-Yang Concept and Five Chinese GIM Music Programs’.
2018:香港音樂治療研討會(香港.香港音樂治療協會):主題「五套中國音樂心靈導航音樂程式的研究」。2018 Hong Kong Music Therapy Conference (Hong Kong Music Therapy Association, Hong Kong): Presentation Topic ‘A Research Project of Five Chinese GIM Music Programs’.
2018:中國音樂治療師行業委員會學術年會(北京.中國音樂治療師行業委員會):主題「音樂治療對中風長者的認知與肌能之改善」。2018 Chinese Professional Music Therapist Association Conference (Chinese Professional Music Therapist Association, Beijing, China): Presentation Topic ‘Music Therapy for Elderly with Stroke for Enhancing Cognitive and Motor Abilities’.

2017:音樂共悅節(香港.東華三院群芳啟智學校):工作坊主題「音樂與意象」。Making Music Being Well (TWGHs Kwan Fong Kai Chi School, Hong Kong): Workshop Presentation Topic ‘Music and Imagery’. (結連 Link)
2017:第十五屆世界音樂治療會議(日本.筑波):主題「五套中國音樂心靈導航音樂程式的研究」。Speaker at The World Congress of Music Therapy 2017 (WCMT 2017)  (Tsukuba, Japan): ' A Research Project of Five Chinese GIM Music Programs '. (結連 Link)
2017:美國音樂及意像協會第二十四屆會議(加拿大.蒙特利爾):海報展示主題「透過現場中樂演奏及中國音樂程式推廣音樂意象」。AMI 24rd Conference (Montreal, Canada): Poster Presentation Topic on 'Promoting Music and Imagery (MI) through Live Chinese Music and Chinese GIM Programs'. (結連 Link)
2016:音樂共悅節(香港.香港大學專業進修學院):演講主題「心理動力學派音樂治療中的即興與象徵意義」。Making Music Being Well (HKU SPACE, Hong Kong): Paper Presentation Topic ‘Improvisation and Symbolic Play in Psychodynamic Music Therapy’. (結連 Link)

2016:第4屆國際音樂與醫學協會國際會 議(中國北京):主題「音樂治療與輕度認知缺損長者--邁向腦退化症前的早期介入」。The 4th International Conference of the International Association for Music and Medicine (Beijing, China): Paper Presentation Topic on 'Music Therapy for People with Mild Cognitive Impairment: An Early Intervention Before Progressing Toward Dementia'. (結連 Link

2016:新聞發布會及成果分享會(香港.香港城市大學):分享主題「整合正向心理學與音樂治療元素──正向大使計劃」。Press Conference and Sharing Presentation (City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong): Presentation Topic ‘Integrative Positive Psychology and Elements of Music Therapy for Treating Adolescents with Suicidal Ideation’. (結連 Link)

2015 英國劍橋安格利亞羅斯金大學學術會議(廿一世紀音樂治療 與腦退化症的護理):主題「音樂治療與輕度認知缺損長者--邁向腦退化症前的早期介入」。Anglia Ruskin University Conference (Music Therapy and Dementia Care in the 21st Century) (Cambridge, UK): Paper Presentation Topic on 'Music Therapy for People with Mild Cognitive Impairment: An Early Intervention Before Progressing Toward Dementia'. (結連 Link

2015:美國音樂及意像協會第二十三屆會議(美國新澤西):主 題「五套中國音樂心靈導航程式的研究」。AMI 23rd Conference (New Jersey, USA): Paper Presentation Topic on 'A Research Project of Five Chinese GIM Music Programs'. (結連 Link)

2014: 第十四屆世界音樂治療會議(奧地利,多瑙河畔克雷姆斯):主題「中國音樂及陰陽哲學於音樂心靈導航中的融合」。Speaker at The World Congress of Music Therapy 2014 (WCMT 2014)  (Krems an der Donau, Austria): 'Integration of Chinese Music and Yin-Yang Principle in Guided Imagery and Music'.(結 連 Link)

2014: 第十四屆世界音樂治療會議(奧地利,多瑙河畔克雷姆斯):海報展示「梁祝小提琴協奏曲治療感情創傷的成效」。Poster Presentation at Music and Imagery Association Australia (WCMT) The World Congress of Music Therapy 2014 (WCMT 2014)  (Krems an der Donau, Austria): 'A Tragic Chinese Music as a Remedy for the wound of Love'.(結 連 Link)

2014:澳洲音樂與意像協會第五屆會議:工作坊主題「體驗新中國音樂程式『太虛』」。The 5th Conference (Host: Music And Imagery Association of Australia Inc.): ‘Experiencing the New 'Universe' Chinese Music Program’. (結 連 Link)

2013:(專題主講)澳洲音樂及意像協會週年大會(澳洲墨爾本):主題「中國音樂及音樂哲學於音樂心靈導航中的應用」。Speaker at Music and Imagery Association Australia (MIAA) Annual Meeting (Melbourne, Australia): 'The Application of Chinese Music and Chinese Philosophy in GIM'. (結 連 Link)

2013:美國音樂及意像協會第二十二屆會議(加拿大溫哥華):主題「在音樂程式中探討中國音樂及其應用」。Keynote Speaker at AMI 22th Conference (Vancouver, Canada): 'Exploring Chinese Music and Its Application in a GIM Music Programme '. (結連 Link)

2012: 英國劍橋安格利亞羅斯金大學學術會議:主題「浪聲鼓與創意藝術在主流學校之結合與應用」。Anglia Ruskin University Conference (Cambridge, UK): Workshop Presentation Topic on 'The Integration of Ocean Drum and Creative Arts in Music Therapy in Mainstream School Setting'. (結 連 Link)

2012: 香港教育學院宗教教育與心靈教育中心主辦:講座主題「音樂治療--成為個人成長與靈性培育的新方法」。Host: The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Centre for Religious and Spirituality Education: A Talk on 'Music Therapy - A New Method for Personal Development and Spirituality Nurture'. (結連 Link)

2012:歐洲音樂心靈導航協會第十屆會議(瑞典):主題「第二中國 音樂心靈導航音樂程式『泉』之探究」。ENGIM 10th Conference (Sweden): 'The Exploration of the Second Chinese GIM Music Programme "Springs"'. (連結 Link)

2012:北京啟蕊康復中心:首屆音樂治療工作坊──即興音樂治療技巧於臨床上的應用。Beijing Qirui Rehabilitation Center: The First Music Therapy Workshop – The Application of Improvisational Music Therapy Skills for Clinical Purpose. (連結 Link)

2011:美國音樂及意像協會第二十一屆會議:主題「第二中國音樂心靈導航音樂程式『泉』之探究」。AMI 21th Conference: 'The Exploration of the Second Chinese GIM Music Programme "Springs"'. (連結 Link)

2011:北京金羽翼第一屆殘障兒童藝術康復研討會:講題「音樂全方 位──在特殊學校中全面應用音樂治療的元素」。Beijing Golden Wings – The First Seminar of Arts Rehabilitation for Disable Children (Host: Golden Wings Fund): 'The Use of Music Therapy Elements in the School Curriculum'.(連結 Link)

2011: 第十三屆世界音樂治療會議(由世界音樂治療聯盟主辦、於南韓首爾舉行)──主題「音樂程式『收穫』:中國音樂於音樂心靈導航中的探究」。13th World Congress of Music Therapy (Host: World Federation of Music Therapy, Location: Seoul, South Korea): ‘The Exploration of Chinese Music in a GIM Music Programme “Harvest”’.(連 結 Link)

2010:第九屆歐洲音樂心靈導航會議(音樂,意像與心理治療):講 題「音樂程式『收穫』:中國音樂於音樂心靈導航中的探究」。The 9th European GIM Conference: Music, Imagery and Psychotherapy (Host: Instituto Musica, Arte y Proceso): ' The Exploration of Chinese Music in a GIM Music Programme "Harvest"'. (連結 Link)

2010:第九 屆歐洲音樂心靈導航會議(音樂,意像與心理治療):海報展示「梁祝小提琴協奏曲治療感情創傷的成效」。The 9th European GIM Conference: Music, Imagery and Psychotherapy (Host: Instituto Musica, Arte y Proceso): 'A Tragic Chinese Music as a Remedy for the Wound of Love'. (連結 Link)

2010:香港風濕病基金會及香港復康會主辦風濕病患者研討會「探討風濕、 多面睇」:主題「音樂治療與痛症紓緩」。Host: The Hong Kong Arthritis & Rheumatism Foundation and the Hong Kong Society of Rehabilitation: 'Music Therapy and Pain Alleviation'.  (連結 Link)

2010:心光恩望學校主辦:主題「如何應用音樂元素協助學生學 習」。Host: Ebenezer New Hope School: 'The Use of Musical Elements for Enhancing Children's Learning'. (連結 Link

2010:英國Anglia Ruskin University音樂治療會議(音樂治療中的音樂):講題「音樂程式『收穫』:中國音樂於音樂心靈導航中的探究」。The Music Therapy Conference: The Music of Music Therapy (Host: Anglia Ruskin University): ‘The Exploration of Chinese Music in a GIM Music Programme “Harvest”’.  (連結 Link

2009:澳洲音樂與意像協會第四屆會議:主題「音樂程式『收穫』: 中國音樂於音樂心靈導航中的探究」。The 4th Conference (Host: Music And Imagery Association of Australia Inc.): ‘The Exploration of Chinese Music in a GIM Music Programme “Harvest”’. (連結 Link)

2009:玩味中樂--2009年社區文化大使(康樂及文化事務署主 辦):主題「中樂與治療」。A Taste of Chinese Music--2009 Community Cultural Ambassador (Host: The Leisure and Cultural Services Department) 'Chinese Music and Therapy' 
(連結 Link

2008:第十二屆世界音樂治療會議(由世界音樂治 療聯盟主辦、於阿根廷舉行)──主題「音樂治療幫助資優兒童提升個人質素與社交關係」。12th World Congress of Music Therapy (Host: World Federation of Music Therapy, Location: Argentina): ‘Music Therapy with Gifted Children for Enhancing Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Quality of Life’. (連結 Link

2008:藝展心窗(香港小童群益會主辦):主題「音樂心靈導航對失 戀人士的正面啟示」。Open the Heart in Arts (Host: The Boy’s and Girl’s Clubs Association of Hong Kong): ‘The Positive Meaning of Guided Imagery and Music for People with Failure of Love’.

定 期文章發表  Regular Articles in Magazines
《健康創富》月刊 Health Plus Magazine (May 2005 - August 2007)
《健康動力》月刊 Health Action (October 2007 - May 2011)

著作 Book Chapters

W. M. Ng (2015). Chinese Music Programme 'Harvest'. In Grocke, Denise and Moe, Torben (Eds.) Guided Imagery & Music (GIM) and Music Imagery Methods for Individual and Group Therapy. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

學 術論文及研究項目 Academic Writings: Dissertation & Research Project 

2012 - 2018: The Application of Chinese Yin-Yang Concept and Chinese Music in Guided Imagery and Music (The University of Melbourne: PhD Thesis)

2014: The Effects of a Cognitive Intervention Programme with Music Therapy Elements (CIPMT) for People with Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Pilot Study (Hong Kong Sheung Kung Hui Tseung Kwan O Aged Care Complex - Research Project)

2010: The Integration of Music Therapy with Creative Arts for Children with Emotional and Behavioural Disorders (Anglia Ruskin University: MA in Music Therapy - Dissertation)

2008: The Exploration of Chinese Music in a GIM Music Programme 'Harvest' (The University of Melbourne: Grad Dip in GIM - Major Project)

2002: Music and Self-esteem: The Influences of Social Value of Musical Instruments on Musicians' Self-esteem and a Comparison of Self-esteem between Chinese and Western Musical Instrument Players in Hong Kong (The University of Sheffield: MA in Psychology of Music - Dissertation)

1998: The Influence of Performance Anxiety on Quality of Performance between Different Performance Situations in Yong Amateur Musicians (Kingston University: BMus - Dissertation)

1998: Teaching Cantonese Lyric Writing in Primary School (Kingston University: BMus - Pedagogy Project)

社 福機構 NGOs、特殊幼兒及復康機構
澳門弱智人士家長協進會 Associacao dos Familiares Encarregados dos Deficientes Mentais de Macau
浸會愛群社會服務處 Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service ,
明愛樂謙展能中心明愛樂敬宿舍 Caritas Lok Him Day Activity Centre & Caritas Lok King Hostel
明愛康復服務  Caritas Rehabilitation Service
兒童成長及發展中心 Child Growth and Development Centre
香港中華基督教青年會 Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong
循理會 Free Methodist Church
和諧之家 Harmony House
香港學生輔助會 Hong Kong Student Aid Society
香港宣教會白普理上水家庭中心 HKEC Bradbury Sheung Shui Family Centre
協康會 Heep Hong Society
香港風濕病基金會 Hong Kong Arthritis & Rheumatism Foundation Ltd.
匡智會 Hong Chi Association
港澳信義會 Hong Kong & Macau Lutheran Church
香港強脊會 Hong Kong Ankylosing Spondylitis Association
香港基督教服務處 Hong Kong Christian Service 
香港家庭福利會 Hong Kong Family Welfare Society
香港黏多醣症暨罕有遺傳病互助小組 Hong Kong Mucopolysaccharidoses & Rare Genetic Diseases Mutual Aid Group
香港傷健協會共融軒 Hong Kong PHAB Association Unity Place
銀屑護關會 Hong Kong Psoriatic Arthritis Association
香港耀能協會安定宿舍 SAHK On Ting Hostel
香港聖公會福利協會 Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council
香港盲人輔導會 Hong Kong Society for the Blind
香港基督教女青年會 Hong Kong Young Women's Christian Association
循道衛理楊震社會服務處 Yang Memorial Methodist Social Service
肺積塵互助會 Pneumoconiosis Mutual Aid Association
寶馬會耆智園 Jockey Club Centre for Positive Ageing 
光愛中心 Light and Love Home
樂智協會 Lok Chi Association Ltd
澳門少年警訊 Macau Junior Police Call
路德會包美達展能中心 Martha Boss Lutheran Day Activity Centre
Maggie's 癌症關顧中心 Maggie's Cancer Caring Centre
香港心理衛生會 Mental Health Association
新生精神康復會 New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association
竹園區神召會 Pentecostal Church of Hong Kong
保良局 Po Leung Kuk
保良局幼童組 Po Leung Kuk Kinder Section
保良局兒童之家 Po Leung Kuk Small Group Home
救世軍 Salvation Army
嗇色園 Sik Sik Yuen
社會福利署南沙田綜合家庭服務中心 Social Welfare Department: Ma On Shan (South) Integrated Family Service Centre
自閉症人士福利促進會 Society For The Welfare Of The Autistic Persons
聖雅各福群會 St. James Settlement
香港小童群益會 The Boys‘ & Girls‘ Clubs Association of Hong Kong
基督教協基會社會服務部  The Church of United Brethren in Christ
基督教香港信義會 The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Hong Kong
鄰舍輔導會 The Neighbourhood Advice-Action Council
香港路德會 The Lutheran Church Hong Kong Synod
救世軍恆安綜合復康服務 The Salvation Army Heng On Integrated Vocational Rehabilitation Service
東華三院 Tung Wah Group of Hospitals
香港聾人福利促進會 The Hong Kong Society for the Deaf

長者日間中心 / 地區中心 Day Care Centre and Community Centre

東華三院梅艷芳長者日間護理中心 Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Anita Mui Day Care Centre for the Elderly
東華三院方樹泉長者地區中心 Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Fong Shu Chuen District Elderly Community Centre
伸手助人協會小西灣賽馬會老人之家 Helping Hand Siu Sai Wan Jockey Club Housing for the Elderly
The Neighbourhood Advice-Action Council Sham Shui Po District Elderly Community Centre
明愛觀塘長者中心 Caritas Elderly Centre - Kwun Tong
耆康會任白慈善基金老人日間護理中心 SAGE Yam Pak Charitable Foundation Day Care Centre For the Elderly
耆康會荃灣長者地區中心 SAGE Tsuen Wan District Elderly Community Centre
香港聖公會將軍澳安老服務大樓 Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Tseung Kwan O Aged Care Complex
博愛醫院郭興坤長者鄰舍中心 Pok Oi Hospital Mr. Kwok Hing Kwan Neighbourhood Elderly Centre

護理安老院 Care and Attention Homes

佛教寶靜安老院 Buddist Po Ching Care and Attention Home for the Aged
佛教沈馬瑞英護理安老院 Buddhist Sum Ma Shui Ying Care and Attention Home for the Elderly
青松護理安老院 Ching Chung Association of Hong Kong Limited Ching Chung Care and Attention Home for the Aged
鍾錫熙長洲安老院 Chung Shak Hei Cheung Chau Home for the Aged
傅麗儀護理安老院 Freni Care and Attention Home

博愛醫院陳馮曼玲護理安老院 . Pok Oi Hospital Chan Feng Men Ling. Care and Attention Home
博愛醫院戴均護理安老院 Pok Oi Hospital Tai Kwan Care & Attention Home
溫浩根護理安老院 Wan Ho Kan Care and Attention Home
仁濟醫院華懋護理安老院 Yan Chai Hospital Chinachem Nursing Homes for the Elderly

特殊學校 Special Schools
明愛樂勤學校 Caritas Lok Kan School
中華基督教會基順學校 C.C.C. Kei Shun Special School
基督教中國佈道會聖道學校 Evangelize China Fellowship Holy Word. School
匡智元朗晨曦學校 Hong Chi Morninglight School (Yuen Long)
匡智松嶺第三校 Hong Chi Pinehill No.3 School
禮賢會恩慈學校 Rhenish Church Grace School
香港西區扶輪社匡智晨輝學校 Rotary Club Of Hong Kong Island West. Hong Chi Morninghope School
心光恩望學校 Ebenezer New Hope School
東華三院群芳啟智學校 TWGHs Kwan Fong Kai Chi School
保良局陳麗玲(百週年)紀念學校 Po Leung Kuk Anita L. L. Chan (Centenary) School

主流學校 Mainstream Schools
庇理羅士女子中學 Belilios Public School
佛教筏可紀念中學 Buddhist Fat Ho Memorial College
明愛元朗陳震夏中學 Caritas Yuen Long Chan Chun Ha Secondary School
中華基督教會元朗真光小學 C.C.C. Chun Kwong Primary School
青年會書院 Chinese YMCA College
宣道會葉紹蔭紀念小學Christian Alliance S.Y. Yeh Memorial Primary School
中華基督教會協和小學 Church of Christ in China Hip Woh Primary School (A.M.)
金文泰中學 Clementi Secondary School
廠商會蔡章閣中學 CMA Choi Cheung Kok Secondary School
炮台山循道衛理中學 Fortress Hill Methodist Secondary School
天主教善導小學 Good Counsel Catholic Primary School
協恩中學附屬小學 Heep Yunn Primary School 
香港道教聯合會圓玄學院第二中學 HKTA The Yuen Yuen Institute No.2 Secondary School
伊斯蘭脫維善紀念中學 Islamic Kasim Tuet Memorial College
英皇書院 King's College
九龍三育中學 Kowloon Sam Yuk Secondary School
麗澤中學 Lai Chack Middle School
龍翔官立中學 Lung Cheung Government Secondary School
世界龍岡學校劉皇發中學 Lung Kong WFSL Lau Wong Fat Secondary School
循道中學 Methodist School
新生命教育協會平安福音中學 NLSI Peace Evangelical Secondary School
天主教普照中學Po Chiu Catholic Secondary School
寶血女子中學 Precious Blood Secondary School
鄧肇堅維多利亞官立中學 Tang Shiu Kin Victoria Government Secondary School
基督教四方福音會深培中學  Semple Memorial Secondary School
伊利沙伯中學舊生會湯國華中學 Queen Elizabeth School Old Students' Association Tong Kwok Wah Secondary School
衛理中學 The MCHK Wesley School
東華三院陳兆民中學 Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Chen Zao Men College
東華三院鄺錫坤伉儷中學  Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Mr & Mrs Kwong Sik Kwan College
仁愛堂陳黃淑芳紀念中學Yan Oi Tong Chan Wong Suk Fong Memorial Secondary School
光明學校Kwong Ming School
天主教領島學校 Ling To Catholic Primary School
馬鞍山靈糧小學Ma On Shan Ling Liang Primary School 
寶覺小學 Pok Kok Primary School 
伊利沙伯中學舊生會小學分校 Queen Elizabeth School Old Students' Association Branch Primary School
聖公會偉倫小學 Sheng Kung Hui Wei Lun Primary School
大角嘴天主教小學 (海帆道) Tai Kok Tsui Catholic Primary School (Hoi Fan Road)
將軍澳循道衛理小學 Tseung Kwan O Methodist Primary School
惇裕學校 Tun Yu School
仁濟醫院羅陳楚思小學 Yan Chai Hospital Law Chan Chor Si Primary School

浸信會培理幼稚園 Baptist Puili School
基督教香港信義會沙田信義幼稚園ELCHK Shatin Lutheran Kindergarten
鳳溪幼稚園 Fung Kai Kindergarten
麗晶幼稚園Regent's Kindergarten ( Branch School ) 
翠林邨浸信會幼稚園 Tsui Lam Estate Baptist Kindergarten
香港靈糧堂幼稚園 Hong Kong Ling Liang Church Kindergarten 
救世軍白田幼兒園暨育嬰園 The Salvation Army Pak Tin Nursery and Creche
救世軍北角幼兒園暨育嬰園 The Salvation Army North Point Nursery and Creche
東華三院呂馮鳳紀念幼稚園 TWGHs Lui Fung Faung Memorial Kindergarten
威廉(睿智)幼稚園暨幼兒樂園 William (Smart) Kindergarten & Play School
翠林邨浸信會幼兒園 Tsui Lam Estate Baptist Kindergarten

教 育機構 Education Institutions
香港工會聯合會業餘進修中心 Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions
香港紅十字會醫院學校 Hong Kong Red Cross Hospital Schools
香港理工大學醫療及社會科學院 Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
香港中文大學醫學院 Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
香港城市大學專上學院 Community College of City University
嶺南大學社區學院 Lingnan University - The Community College
澳門商業管理教育中心 Macau Business Management Educational Centre
越己堂 Potential Engine 
香港教育學院 The Hong Kong Institute of Education

醫 院及醫院管理局 Hospitals and Hospital Authority
明愛醫院 Caritas Medical Centre
青山醫院 Castle Peak Hospital
大埔醫院精神科 Tai Po Hospital Psychiatry Department
醫院管理局進修學院:護理深造學院 Hospital Authority Institute of Health Care: Institute of Advanced Nursing Studies
屯門醫院癌症關顧中心 Tuen Mun Hospital - Maggie's Cancer Caring Centre

企 業與其他機構 Enterprise and Other Organizations
中信銀行 CITIC Bank International 
中信證券 CITIC Securities 
香港匯豐銀行 HSBC
溢達集團 Esquel Group 
香港廉政公署 Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC)
捷成集團 Jebsen Group
大眾書局 Popular Bookstore
香港房屋協會 Hong Kong Housing Society